
2023-02-02 00:00:00 +0000

Welcome, reader. Welcome, stranger. Welcome, friend.

I am David Alex McClain. I make music.

I would like to write about making my music (when not dancing about architecture), my process, my relationship with creativity and hard graft. My simultaneously humble and lofty goal is to share the type of things I would love my musical heroes to share.

Let’s see how that goes. In lieu of my own thoughts today, I offer those of Tom Waits. I don’t remember how I came across it originally, but there’s a wonderful insight where Mr Waits talks about his relationship with ideas like they’re frightening little animals, or stubborn fools who won’t listen to reason. And how he yelled back at the “muse” for giving him an idea at an inopportune time. He was driving, in traffic, and inspiration struck. With no way to capture the idea there and then, Tom Waits looked up and yelled at the muse that right now he is driving, but he can be found at his desk every morning working, so please come back then.